happiness in marriage depicted by pair of white swans

Getting Ready for Mr. or Ms. Right

Getting ready for marriage or a relationship Are you waiting for Mr. or Ms. Right? Are you in a relationship you want to improve? Perhaps you are getting ready for marriage or a relationship? You can learn more about how to create your best relationship. The science of love helps us understand what is needed […]

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couple in bed depicting sexless marriage

The Sexless Marriage: Steps to Restore Sexual Intimacy

Sex in a relationship can be an expression of love and connection and the giving and receiving of physical pleasure. When we think of marriage, we believe that a sexual relationship will be a natural expression of the union of love. What does it really mean to be sexless in your relationship?

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computer depicting online marriage counseling

Is A Relationship Counseling App Right for Us?

How does a couple know if online marriage counseling or a relationship app is right for them? Let’s look at some different relationship growth choices. Marriage counseling helps couples learn new skills and ways of relating. In a sense, there is a peeling of the onion, where people become more aware of behaviors they engage […]

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Relationship help depicted by rainbow

From the Founder of WeConcile – Using My Writing for Relationship Help

My name is Jennifer Lehr, LMFT and I am the founder of WeConcile. I regularly share my experience and story, my knowledge, my struggles, and my vulnerabilities in my writing. I also share my expertise.

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loving an older spouse

Growing into a Bigger Heart

The dilemma of loving an aging spouse I am lucky enough to have found my soulmate. Yet he is aging as I watch. I have the dilemma of loving an aging spouse. He has Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy, and his muscles are weakening. His focus softening. He is no longer the doer I sometimes need. On […]

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Learn to love depicted by Intimate couple sitting together

The Real Relationship: Working it Out – Learn to Love

The real relationship happened last night. I had been struggling, feeling stuck, pushing myself in ways that were leaving me frustrated, angry, and sad. My husband was mad at me for this. He pulled away and let me struggle. Finally, I said, “Why aren’t you helping me? Why have you left me alone in this?” […]

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Relationship help and healthy relationships

When the Journey is Abundance

The Journey to a Healthy Relationship After years of struggle and a slow spiral into death, at the age of 46, I gave up on my first marriage. From those ashes of grief, new life emerged. I wrote a relationship education program. Would it help me in my next true love relationship? Could I create […]

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relationship problems

What Stops You From Your Courage?

And how that causes relationship problems I was listening to a YouTube by Sadhguru the other day and he asked, “What are you doing with your one precious life?” It is a great question. Sometimes we get stuck in something, whether a job, a relationship or a mindset or attitude. We may have given up […]

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It became my life’s mission – to help others escape what I had escaped; the pain of the past, the pain of wounded relationships and broken dreams.

I Didn’t Use To Be Good At Relationships

I remember as a kid being upset and walking away from our home. Thoughts swirled around in my head. Never get married, never have kids. Never get married, never have kids.  Over and over like a mantra.  I don’t remember the incident, but ours was a violent household where fighting was frequent, and empathy rare. […]

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Relationship help

The Journey of Improving Our Relationships

Reaching Our Goals For A Relationship How does having a significant illness relate to being in a relationship that doesn’t work? How do we take that understanding and apply it to improve our relationships? How do we reach our goals for a relationship? In 2016, when I was struggling with Lyme disease, in desperation, I […]

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