Rose depicting happy marriage

Learn the Keys to a Happy Marriage

You met the one. Dating was exciting. Getting engaged filled you with hope. You planned and survived a wedding. You may have children, young or grown. Early in your relationship, you imagined a future filled with the bliss you felt when you first met.  But something went wrong. You feel wounded, resentful, not fully trusting. […]

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Person and dog at beach depicting emotional health

Emotional Health & Emotionally Abusive Relationships

Emotions are intense.  They rock us.  We have to deal with them. Someone says something the wrong way, or we are in a difficult situation and all of a sudden we might find ourselves in a fury, or in deep grief, or perhaps an awful sense of embarrassment and shame as if we are ‘bad’.

When we are in these feeling places we usually don’t have any perspective or not much. 

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