Affirmations of Self-Love

Self Love Affirmations

Last updated on November 13th, 2023 at 02:22 am

Affirmations: Changing Your Inner Dialogue

In order to heal depression and anxiety, as well as become emotionally healthy overall, it is important to look at your inner dialogue. What we tell ourselves is essentially a mantra or affirmation. And as we repeatedly think difficult or negative thoughts, they affect us. We can change our thoughts and inner dialogue, and this will help us open to new possibilities.

  • How are you talking to yourself?
  • What messages are you giving yourself?

Instead of using affirmations for self-love, do you tell yourself that you cannot disappoint others? That you have to be perfect so nobody else gets upset? Do you tell yourself that you are stupid, bad, or incompetent? Do you tell yourself that you are not good enough?

If so, you are hurting yourself and treating yourself with disrespect. You may feel like that cartoon character with the black cloud that follows him everywhere: Pig Pen and Joe Btfsplk.

Becoming aware of our inner dialogue is the first step. Once you are aware of your inner dialogue, try imagining that you are talking this way to a child that you love. What do you imagine would happen to this child? Then, picture yourself at a young age. Would you want to be talked to this way? Ask yourself what the “little you” really needs to hear.

Begin to talk to the “little you.” You can do this by writing or silently in your head or by speaking out loud.


Affirmations for Self-Love

I love you no matter what.

You are safe.

You don’t have to take care of me. I will take care of you.

You are amazing. 

You are precious. 

What you think and feel is important. 

I will always listen to you. 

I am grateful to you. 


Whatever it is, start changing and talking to yourself with love and kindness instead of mistreating yourself. As you do this, you are starting to create a better relationship with yourself. You are beginning to claim the power to change your life and your feelings about yourself. You are the most important person in your life. Treat yourself that way.

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One thought on “Self Love Affirmations

  • April 12, 2012 at 6:18 pm

    I wish it were so easy.


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